The Rosette uniform has remained unchanged since 1999.
The fight song was choreographed by Amy Larson in 1999, but was originally to a different tune. In 2001 the FMHS band decided to change the school’s fight song, so the old choreography was adapted by Ms. Musia to fit the new music.
The entrance and strut were choreographed by Amy Larson. They have both remained unchanged since 1999. They are a combination of the Apache Belle and the Rangerette entrances.
The words to the Rosette song were created by Lieutenant Shae Zavonia in 1999. The tradition of the new girls becoming old girls and the senior circle was started in 2001-2002, the first time the Rosettes had a senior class. The new girls becoming old girls and joining their circle is now a very important tradition that happens the last night of Spring show.
On the way home from away games Rosettes are to be silent once the bus turns onto Peter’s Colony. They are to sing the Flower Mound School song as they enter the school parking lot.
As stated in the history, the Rosettes have had 7 officers since 2001-2002. Typically we have one Captain, 1 1st Lieutenant, and 5 Lieutenants. However, the constitution states that this is to the discretion of the director. For the 2013-2014 school year only there were 9 officers including one Captain, one 1st Lieutenant, and 7 Lieutenants. Every year since then has maintained the traditional 7 officers.
The electing of social officers is a very important tradition that began in 2001. The social officer ranks are President, Vice President, Secretary, Sunshine Chairman, and Chaplain. We added the position of Historian in 2011.
The Captain’s squad is the officers. The Captain chooses a squad name for the officers and that is the theme of all the other squads for that year. The squad name must begin with the first letter of the officer’s first or last name. The remaining 6 officers have a squad of approx. 10-12 girls that they are in charge of for the year.
If the Jaguars win, the Rosettes clump together at the end of the game and yell a Jaguar chant.
Rosettes are allowed to introduce a maximum of 3 people to the team during third quarter only each game. This is a fun time to recognize friends and family members that do not attend FMHS that have come to see you perform. When someone is introduced the team responds with a handclap and a “Hi so and so!”
The social officers make a gift for the opposing team’s drill team for each game. The officers and a social officer present this gift to the other team’s officers. Officers, a social officer, and escorts from each team are introduced. Last year the officers donated to a charity in the other team’s name as their gift.
The Rosettes pray before every performance. The team’s Chaplain, who stands right next to the director in the prayer circle, leads this prayer. Every Rosette points their foot into the middle of the circle and holds hands during the prayer. When the prayer is over everyone squeezes the hand of the person next to them and turns their head in a contagion.
Each week one old girl and one new girl are chosen by the director and the officers for being exceptional in some way for Rosette and Rookie Rosette of the Week. In addition, one girl (new or old) is chosen for Spirit Girl of the Week by the socials for maintaining a positive attitude. These girls are recognized at the football game during halftime that Friday night.
This is an honor given to one Rosette from each grade level and is voted on by the team. It is announced at the very last regular season football game.
This tradition began in 1999. Every member of the team has a big or lil’ sis throughout the year. This is a special bond and a way for old girls to help new girls through their first year as a Rosette.
Rosettes create elaborate spirit posters for the varsity football team. This tradition promotes school spirit and is very appreciated by our football players. Rosettes also create posters for the new girls that they receive right after they find out they have made Rosettes.
Seniority is very important to the Rosettes, but does not mean that any Rosette is not valued. The purpose of seniority is to show respect, appreciation and recognition of experience, dedication and time that individuals have contributed to the team. Officers and 4th year seniors are at the top of the seniority chain. New girl freshmen are at the bottom. All those in between are ranked based on class and years of experience. Seniority offers advantages such as getting to go first, having the first choice of Sonic shifts, etc. As a new girl, part of your role is to understand and offer seniors and those with more seniority your spot in line, the opportunity to get on the bus ahead of you, etc. Old girls are never, never to abuse their privileges associated with seniority or those privileges will quickly be revoked. Seniority DOES NOT mean that seniors will always dance in front.